My toddler loves it and cant wait for her baby brother to join her when hes ready
Took this pregnant lady several days to build, butb thats because some pieces needed to be replaced. Customer service was able to replace all the items I needed. The big backboard piece overlapped the other pieces in both original and replacement by a cpl cm so the holes didnt align. You could probably shave it off but Im not handy so I just didnt use that piece. Good customer service is the most important part of big items so thank you!
My toddler loves it and cant wait for her baby brother to join her when hes ready
Took this pregnant lady several days to build, butb thats because some pieces needed to be replaced. Customer service was able to replace all the items I needed. The big backboard piece overlapped the other pieces in both original and replacement by a cpl cm so the holes didnt align. You could probably shave it off but Im not handy so I just didnt use that piece. Good customer service is the most important part of big items so thank you!