It came in two boxes and they were heavy but my 11 year old son and I were able to carry them with no problem. This was bought for my 8 year old daughter and she loves it. Its absolutely gorgeous and it was so easy to put together. She has three brothers climbing on her bed at any given time and so far, it has held up well. It seems very sturdy and I really was very surprised by how nice it looked when it was all finished. Completely worth the price.
It came in two boxes and they were heavy but my 11 year old son and I were able to carry them with no problem. This was bought for my 8 year old daughter and she loves it. Its absolutely gorgeous and it was so easy to put together. She has three brothers climbing on her bed at any given time and so far, it has held up well. It seems very sturdy and I really was very surprised by how nice it looked when it was all finished. Completely worth the price.