Sturdy for big guys. Rolls 360 smoothly and is easy to assemble. The chair doesn't go all the way back but leans enough to enjoy tv. I'm 6ft and the back of my head is held by the chair's headrest. Depending on how long you plan to sit it's comfortable, anything over 4 hours can be less comfortable. I'm 330lbs so the chair is right at its limit. Changing positions is a must for extended time sitting, my opinion.
Good chair
Sturdy for big guys. Rolls 360 smoothly and is easy to assemble. The chair doesn't go all the way back but leans enough to enjoy tv. I'm 6ft and the back of my head is held by the chair's headrest. Depending on how long you plan to sit it's comfortable, anything over 4 hours can be less comfortable. I'm 330lbs so the chair is right at its limit. Changing positions is a must for extended time sitting, my opinion.