I was a little reluctant to buy this given that it is new and has no reviews, but I'm quite pleased that I took a chance on it. It arrived in a well-padded box and was really easy to assemble. I didn't bother with the wall attachment as it's plenty sturdy to stand on its own. The black gloss finish looks really nice and the finished piece looks much more expensive than its price would suggest. I'm not sure how durable it will be in the long run, but my first impression of this table is that it looks great and is high quality.
Easy to Assemble, Great Quality for the Price
I was a little reluctant to buy this given that it is new and has no reviews, but I'm quite pleased that I took a chance on it. It arrived in a well-padded box and was really easy to assemble. I didn't bother with the wall attachment as it's plenty sturdy to stand on its own. The black gloss finish looks really nice and the finished piece looks much more expensive than its price would suggest. I'm not sure how durable it will be in the long run, but my first impression of this table is that it looks great and is high quality.