The very first instructions were to screw these little boards to one bigger board, I did and it wouldnt stay on, so I put the screw in without the other boards thinking I just needed to make the holes and it went threw the other side (Figured whatever ill put that side on the wall ) and the screws still wouldnt hold it in place. I had to go get a thicker screw. The stickers to cover the holes looks bad, iv seen better. At the end of the day it fits good, Its cute so Im keeping it
Cheap but I like it
The very first instructions were to screw these little boards to one bigger board, I did and it wouldnt stay on, so I put the screw in without the other boards thinking I just needed to make the holes and it went threw the other side (Figured whatever ill put that side on the wall ) and the screws still wouldnt hold it in place. I had to go get a thicker screw. The stickers to cover the holes looks bad, iv seen better. At the end of the day it fits good, Its cute so Im keeping it