I bought this for a family member who was tight on space. It was delivered well-packaged in a very manageable box. Assembly was a bit more difficult than it could have been with better markings, but that just slowed things down a little while putting it together. Nothing major.
Once assembled, this thing was sturdy and stable. It seems like it will last for quite a while. The two chairs are great and once you extend the leaf (its a little difficult to use the leaf, a normal adult will be okay but small children or elderly are going to have problems) theres enough room for another chair. Great table set.
Sturdy, Well Made, High Quality Table
I bought this for a family member who was tight on space. It was delivered well-packaged in a very manageable box. Assembly was a bit more difficult than it could have been with better markings, but that just slowed things down a little while putting it together. Nothing major. Once assembled, this thing was sturdy and stable. It seems like it will last for quite a while. The two chairs are great and once you extend the leaf (its a little difficult to use the leaf, a normal adult will be okay but small children or elderly are going to have problems) theres enough room for another chair. Great table set.