I love the look of this bed and overall it is very sturdy for a bed that was shipped to my door and put together by myself. It is perfect for my spare room, didnt require box spring and was a fair price for the quality. The only thing I dislike is that I have stubbed my toe on the the middle support leg on either side countless times already. I understand why the support leg has to be there, but it is hard to remember it is there! Other than that, its a great bed!
The middle support is a toe catcher!
I love the look of this bed and overall it is very sturdy for a bed that was shipped to my door and put together by myself. It is perfect for my spare room, didnt require box spring and was a fair price for the quality. The only thing I dislike is that I have stubbed my toe on the the middle support leg on either side countless times already. I understand why the support leg has to be there, but it is hard to remember it is there! Other than that, its a great bed!