Make sure all the parts are there and follow the instructions!
Fairly easy to assemble, my suggestion would be it together when you can devote the time, with little or no distractions. Make sure you have all the parts, Read the instructions as you put the bed together! My 18 year old grandson loves it. If you have the right mattress, youll get a good night sleep! The bed is sturdy and the price is right! With a little muscle, it was a piece of cake.
Make sure all the parts are there and follow the instructions!
Fairly easy to assemble, my suggestion would be it together when you can devote the time, with little or no distractions. Make sure you have all the parts, Read the instructions as you put the bed together! My 18 year old grandson loves it. If you have the right mattress, youll get a good night sleep! The bed is sturdy and the price is right! With a little muscle, it was a piece of cake.