The review headline about sums it up. This chair looks good, seems to be made of quality materials and is very sturdy, but unfortunately it is not that comfortable. The seat isnt quite deep enough front/to/back and the back is a bit too upright for my 511, 215 lb. frame. Smaller folks might find it more comfortable. I use a pillow in the lumbar region, and I find that it improves the comfort.
By the way, this model appears to be the exact same chair as the one sold in the LLBean catalog for 100 more. Im glad I bought this one, because I would have really been disappointed having spent that much more for an uncomfortable chair.
Sturdy and robust, but uncomfortable
The review headline about sums it up. This chair looks good, seems to be made of quality materials and is very sturdy, but unfortunately it is not that comfortable. The seat isnt quite deep enough front/to/back and the back is a bit too upright for my 511, 215 lb. frame. Smaller folks might find it more comfortable. I use a pillow in the lumbar region, and I find that it improves the comfort. By the way, this model appears to be the exact same chair as the one sold in the LLBean catalog for 100 more. Im glad I bought this one, because I would have really been disappointed having spent that much more for an uncomfortable chair.