The frame is pretty easy to assemble on your own but I think it would have been easier if I had someone helping me. Its very sturdy. Keeps my mattered from sinking. The only issue I have with it is that my mattress slides around on it if I sit or lean on the edge of the bed. You definitely do not need a box spring but I added mine anyway and it puts my bed up higher than a typical bed. I loveee it!!!!
Good beautiful!!!!!!!
The frame is pretty easy to assemble on your own but I think it would have been easier if I had someone helping me. Its very sturdy. Keeps my mattered from sinking. The only issue I have with it is that my mattress slides around on it if I sit or lean on the edge of the bed. You definitely do not need a box spring but I added mine anyway and it puts my bed up higher than a typical bed. I loveee it!!!!