I purchased the full size in black for my 10 year old granddaughter. Nice, sturdy, great value for the price. Only slight negative thing I can say and its not really that negative, is there are ton of bolts lol. However its easy to assemble, the directions are very clear and it comes with the necessary tools. Excellent purchase. My granddaughter loveees it and called it her princess bed. I may order a queen for my guest room!
Great Value!
I purchased the full size in black for my 10 year old granddaughter. Nice, sturdy, great value for the price. Only slight negative thing I can say and its not really that negative, is there are ton of bolts lol. However its easy to assemble, the directions are very clear and it comes with the necessary tools. Excellent purchase. My granddaughter loveees it and called it her princess bed. I may order a queen for my guest room!