The bedframe was easy enough to assemble, but definitely easier with 2 people. It assembled in the amount of time the instructions estimated (75-90 minutes). The screws didnt always line up perfectly but it seems sturdy enough. Everyone else complains about how a box spring and mattress dont fit right. I have a memory foam mattress and you definitely cannot use a memory foam alone with this. I recommend getting bunky boards rather than a box spring. Theyre the perfect solution for this bedframe as it wont cause your mattress to be displaced by a little bit. Overall, great for the cost!
Try using bunky boards if you have a memory foam!
The bedframe was easy enough to assemble, but definitely easier with 2 people. It assembled in the amount of time the instructions estimated (75-90 minutes). The screws didnt always line up perfectly but it seems sturdy enough. Everyone else complains about how a box spring and mattress dont fit right. I have a memory foam mattress and you definitely cannot use a memory foam alone with this. I recommend getting bunky boards rather than a box spring. Theyre the perfect solution for this bedframe as it wont cause your mattress to be displaced by a little bit. Overall, great for the cost!