For the money, this is a good bed frame. It seems to be sturdy and that it will last. Its pretty easy to figure out how to put together. The pieces are numbered and the instructions are pretty easy to follow, well the diagrams are, because their are no written instructions. It took me a little over an hour to put together by myself. It claims there are no tools needed, which means they are provided. But, make it easier on yourself and use a drill with an wrench bit and a socket set as opposed to the wrench and other wrench they include. Your fingers will thank you! All in all I think this is a good choice for my daughters bed in her first apartment.
Get real tools
For the money, this is a good bed frame. It seems to be sturdy and that it will last. Its pretty easy to figure out how to put together. The pieces are numbered and the instructions are pretty easy to follow, well the diagrams are, because their are no written instructions. It took me a little over an hour to put together by myself. It claims there are no tools needed, which means they are provided. But, make it easier on yourself and use a drill with an wrench bit and a socket set as opposed to the wrench and other wrench they include. Your fingers will thank you! All in all I think this is a good choice for my daughters bed in her first apartment.