The wood part came with a scratch/chip. The parts had sticker labels on them (a,b,c etc) and a few of the parts had the wrong stickers on them which made assembly confusing.
Overall, the product itself is decent but it took me 3.5 hours to put it all together. The instructions were very vague. It didnt come with written instructions, only pictures which can be frustrating when the parts are mislabeled look similar to one another.
I wouldnt recommend purchasing if you plan on using a box spring with it. Its super high as is when I put my box spring mattress on it looked massive.
Would I purchase again? Ehhh probably not it was a lot of work to put together.
Came with a chip/Strach parts were mislabeled
The wood part came with a scratch/chip. The parts had sticker labels on them (a,b,c etc) and a few of the parts had the wrong stickers on them which made assembly confusing. Overall, the product itself is decent but it took me 3.5 hours to put it all together. The instructions were very vague. It didnt come with written instructions, only pictures which can be frustrating when the parts are mislabeled look similar to one another. I wouldnt recommend purchasing if you plan on using a box spring with it. Its super high as is when I put my box spring mattress on it looked massive. Would I purchase again? Ehhh probably not it was a lot of work to put together.