I really like how sturdy the frame is and it wasnt too difficult to put together. My daughter put most of it together by herself. Granted Ive only had it a couple of days. My big issue with it is that the measurements are not correct. It is too wide for my mattress so there are gaps on either side of the mattress. I purchased the full size for my full size mattress. It was delivered 8 days later than the time indicated but I think thats more of an issue with FedEx than . Overall I like the look and feel of it. The price was awesome. I placed the mattress a little further to the edge on the side that I always get in and out of the bed.
Good sturdy bed. Measurements are not correct!
I really like how sturdy the frame is and it wasnt too difficult to put together. My daughter put most of it together by herself. Granted Ive only had it a couple of days. My big issue with it is that the measurements are not correct. It is too wide for my mattress so there are gaps on either side of the mattress. I purchased the full size for my full size mattress. It was delivered 8 days later than the time indicated but I think thats more of an issue with FedEx than . Overall I like the look and feel of it. The price was awesome. I placed the mattress a little further to the edge on the side that I always get in and out of the bed.