Very good product, sturdy and well made. The trundle bed could use a better design, as it lays under the main bed without any connection or running rails or anything.
The assembly is not straight forward. Im a DIY and an engineer and have done this kind assembly pretty much my entire house. This was clearly the worse assembly instruction ever. The instructions are not clear enough on what side each peace goes and up side or down. The parts are not marked neither. No text on the instructions, only pictures. So i had to disassemble parts of it 5 times (not the entire bed!) bc i would find out as i progressed that obe part was upside down, or in the oposite side, making me disassemble and reassemble that piec back. Took about 4h bc of that. Typically it would be about 2h if no rework is needed.
If you manage not to loose or sht over the assembly and do a good job, the ber is very decent. Overall product is a 4 stars, but the assembly instructions is not more than 3 stars.
Good bed but with very poor assembly instructions
Very good product, sturdy and well made. The trundle bed could use a better design, as it lays under the main bed without any connection or running rails or anything. The assembly is not straight forward. Im a DIY and an engineer and have done this kind assembly pretty much my entire house. This was clearly the worse assembly instruction ever. The instructions are not clear enough on what side each peace goes and up side or down. The parts are not marked neither. No text on the instructions, only pictures. So i had to disassemble parts of it 5 times (not the entire bed!) bc i would find out as i progressed that obe part was upside down, or in the oposite side, making me disassemble and reassemble that piec back. Took about 4h bc of that. Typically it would be about 2h if no rework is needed. If you manage not to loose or sht over the assembly and do a good job, the ber is very decent. Overall product is a 4 stars, but the assembly instructions is not more than 3 stars.