Easy to put together. I bought this because it will be used for my younger grandson when he visits. And he will soon be transitioning. I also have a larger granddaughter that would be sleeping in that bed when she stays over. (Why I checked the weight limit.) So Im disappointed in that.
It was sent USPS, which I had to drive 32 miles to pick up at our main receiving post office , because they didnt have a vehicle large enough to transfer to our local post office. So in order to return it, 8d have to drive it back... No way! So I put the box spring back on for her, and I can take it off when the little one comes. Other than the flimsy looking slats, it seems to be quite sturdy. At some point I could put a sheet of plywood over them. Im glad I didnt pay more.
The weight limit advertised is 500 lbs, its not.
Easy to put together. I bought this because it will be used for my younger grandson when he visits. And he will soon be transitioning. I also have a larger granddaughter that would be sleeping in that bed when she stays over. (Why I checked the weight limit.) So Im disappointed in that. It was sent USPS, which I had to drive 32 miles to pick up at our main receiving post office , because they didnt have a vehicle large enough to transfer to our local post office. So in order to return it, 8d have to drive it back... No way! So I put the box spring back on for her, and I can take it off when the little one comes. Other than the flimsy looking slats, it seems to be quite sturdy. At some point I could put a sheet of plywood over them. Im glad I didnt pay more.