This is a great bed, easy to assemble, very sturdy. Gets 3 stars though as the carton it's shipped in doesn't provide any protection for the painted bed pieces. The metal pieces just bang around against each other, hence the chipping. Others reviews mention chipped paint and it's true. Seems like they could solve the issue with a small amount of foam or bubble wrap as spacers. Hey, pass that $3 on to us (the customer), no problem.
Great product
This is a great bed, easy to assemble, very sturdy. Gets 3 stars though as the carton it's shipped in doesn't provide any protection for the painted bed pieces. The metal pieces just bang around against each other, hence the chipping. Others reviews mention chipped paint and it's true. Seems like they could solve the issue with a small amount of foam or bubble wrap as spacers. Hey, pass that $3 on to us (the customer), no problem.