Putting this product was confusing because there were no stickers to indicate which side was correct. This lead to a few redos overall I was able to assemble the bed in under 5 hours. The storage pace is great. I was even able to put somethings behind the pushed in drawers; there is six small space to pack in stuff. Wish it came with a headboard,Im looking to purchase one. Love all the space it creates.
Bedding Check
Putting this product was confusing because there were no stickers to indicate which side was correct. This lead to a few redos overall I was able to assemble the bed in under 5 hours. The storage pace is great. I was even able to put somethings behind the pushed in drawers; there is six small space to pack in stuff. Wish it came with a headboard,Im looking to purchase one. Love all the space it creates.