The reviews were correct that it takes about 3 hours to assemble. The pieces were well/labeled for easy step/by/step assembly. I was really excited about the drawers, but the fastener is a pain / if youre only going to need to open them a few times/year then it will be fine for you. I was hoping to use them as a second dresser type of thing, so we have to leave the drawers floating without the fastener for ease of use. Our mattress apparently isnt a perfect rectangle / so the corners of the bed itself (can see floor down through) are visible when the comforter isnt covering them.
Drawers are a pain
The reviews were correct that it takes about 3 hours to assemble. The pieces were well/labeled for easy step/by/step assembly. I was really excited about the drawers, but the fastener is a pain / if youre only going to need to open them a few times/year then it will be fine for you. I was hoping to use them as a second dresser type of thing, so we have to leave the drawers floating without the fastener for ease of use. Our mattress apparently isnt a perfect rectangle / so the corners of the bed itself (can see floor down through) are visible when the comforter isnt covering them.