So the product is great. It truly is. It was easy to assemble and is comfortable. Our biggest issue is that we have cats and a dog. Its only been about 2 months and there are long strips from our babies climbing up and down. I was hoping it would be a little more sturdy but it isnt. Hair is also very hard to get off of it. Overall, its great. Maybe just not the best for big time pet owners *photo is after using a couch shaver*
Great but not the best for pet owners
So the product is great. It truly is. It was easy to assemble and is comfortable. Our biggest issue is that we have cats and a dog. Its only been about 2 months and there are long strips from our babies climbing up and down. I was hoping it would be a little more sturdy but it isnt. Hair is also very hard to get off of it. Overall, its great. Maybe just not the best for big time pet owners *photo is after using a couch shaver*