Great for a small space and easy to assemble, BUT, it is very uncomfortable. The one long cushion is nice and firm, but the two smaller ones are very thin and you can feel the springs. We got this for our basement and had a small door frame to fit it through (31), and we have a 2 and 4 yr old boy. So for them, and the inexpensive price, its not awful! Not good, but not awful.
Uncomfy Space Saver Couch
Great for a small space and easy to assemble, BUT, it is very uncomfortable. The one long cushion is nice and firm, but the two smaller ones are very thin and you can feel the springs. We got this for our basement and had a small door frame to fit it through (31), and we have a 2 and 4 yr old boy. So for them, and the inexpensive price, its not awful! Not good, but not awful.