Got this for my 3 year old who was transitioning from a toddler bed. She loves it! It not super high off the ground and has enough room for her old bed and some of her toys to go underneath. She can also walk under it without hitting her head. I used a 7 inch mattress and she sleeps just fine and doesnt fall off. I did try the pool noodles on the ladder but she ended up taking them off and said it didnt hurt her feet. Overall I would definitely recommend. Definitely a space saver and worth the money.
Good and sturdy
Got this for my 3 year old who was transitioning from a toddler bed. She loves it! It not super high off the ground and has enough room for her old bed and some of her toys to go underneath. She can also walk under it without hitting her head. I used a 7 inch mattress and she sleeps just fine and doesnt fall off. I did try the pool noodles on the ladder but she ended up taking them off and said it didnt hurt her feet. Overall I would definitely recommend. Definitely a space saver and worth the money.