Overall, I think this is a good bed for a child. It doesnt seem very sturdy, as an adult ( I am under the weight limit) I wouldnt feel comfortable climbing up and down, but its fine for the kids. It was fairly easy to assemble, but we did have some difficulty with the longer pieces. Overall, it works well for our daughter as she has a small room. She loves to play under it and has a blast in her cave
Nice bed for a small space
Overall, I think this is a good bed for a child. It doesnt seem very sturdy, as an adult ( I am under the weight limit) I wouldnt feel comfortable climbing up and down, but its fine for the kids. It was fairly easy to assemble, but we did have some difficulty with the longer pieces. Overall, it works well for our daughter as she has a small room. She loves to play under it and has a blast in her cave