I really liked this product. It was so easy to ship and assemble. Very sturdy and can fit large items and storage underneath! The wood is sourced from the Appalachian mountains of Georgia USA which is cool! M only issue was the bedframe being bigger than the footprint of my mattress, probably due to my mattress being undersized when built by their manufacturer. When I had to move and disassemble to transport it was very simple and easy. Would very much so recommend!
Perfect, simple design.
I really liked this product. It was so easy to ship and assemble. Very sturdy and can fit large items and storage underneath! The wood is sourced from the Appalachian mountains of Georgia USA which is cool! M only issue was the bedframe being bigger than the footprint of my mattress, probably due to my mattress being undersized when built by their manufacturer. When I had to move and disassemble to transport it was very simple and easy. Would very much so recommend!