The only damage on this was from me accidentally scratching the headboard piece. The little ratchet is adorable and useful plus they include an Allen wrench. This was super easy to put together, it took 2 people about 30 minutes and that includes putting one piece on wrong and having to fix it. The instructions are very easy to follow and so far its proving to be sturdy and looks decent. My cats are on the larger side and have not gone underneath it yet which honestly is preferred (no having to drag them out in the case of an emergency). My mattress is only 10in and fits perfectly.
Good budget bed frame
The only damage on this was from me accidentally scratching the headboard piece. The little ratchet is adorable and useful plus they include an Allen wrench. This was super easy to put together, it took 2 people about 30 minutes and that includes putting one piece on wrong and having to fix it. The instructions are very easy to follow and so far its proving to be sturdy and looks decent. My cats are on the larger side and have not gone underneath it yet which honestly is preferred (no having to drag them out in the case of an emergency). My mattress is only 10in and fits perfectly.