My daughter loves it. The bunk is a little less sturdy than Id hoped for but ok for the price. My biggest complaint was delivery. It took three days of appointments for it to finally get here. After staying home for the 4 hour window on 3 separate occasions, they finally dropped it at the front door. No knocking, no doorbell, just dropped at the door. If that was an option, I wouldnt have wasted 12 hours waiting for it to get delivered!
Cute and went together well. Delivery was a pain.
My daughter loves it. The bunk is a little less sturdy than Id hoped for but ok for the price. My biggest complaint was delivery. It took three days of appointments for it to finally get here. After staying home for the 4 hour window on 3 separate occasions, they finally dropped it at the front door. No knocking, no doorbell, just dropped at the door. If that was an option, I wouldnt have wasted 12 hours waiting for it to get delivered!