We like the style of the barstool but the height adjustment was misleading in the description! It said the seat height was adjustable from 36 to 45 but it is the top of the back of the seat that is that high. We needed the seat (part you actually sit on) to be adjustable from 36 to 45 therefore we will not purchase another one. I am glad I only purchased one to make sure it would work for us!
nice barstool but description misleading
We like the style of the barstool but the height adjustment was misleading in the description! It said the seat height was adjustable from 36 to 45 but it is the top of the back of the seat that is that high. We needed the seat (part you actually sit on) to be adjustable from 36 to 45 therefore we will not purchase another one. I am glad I only purchased one to make sure it would work for us!