These look great, very sturdy, and a good size (I'm 5'2 and can sit cross legged in it). My husband put these together and his only complaint is that the directions are not clear/hard to follow and one of the chair wouldn't align to the screws in front so the butt cushion is flappy. But even without the screws, it's still sturdy and the gap went away after some usage. It's just annoying that it was faulty but cheap enough to not care.
Stylish, Modern, and Comfortable
These look great, very sturdy, and a good size (I'm 5'2 and can sit cross legged in it). My husband put these together and his only complaint is that the directions are not clear/hard to follow and one of the chair wouldn't align to the screws in front so the butt cushion is flappy. But even without the screws, it's still sturdy and the gap went away after some usage. It's just annoying that it was faulty but cheap enough to not care.