When I received this table, it was all brand new and little to no scratch marks with it. This table was easy to assemble and it took me less than 10 minutes to put it all together. The first part I had to use the screw driver and then the last parts had to be done by hand. Overall, this table is sturdy and effortless to assemble! I highly recommend it to anyone who ones to fill up a small space for the hallway! Great deal to by the way since marked way less than the original price!! For sure, its a win!
Great for small space!
When I received this table, it was all brand new and little to no scratch marks with it. This table was easy to assemble and it took me less than 10 minutes to put it all together. The first part I had to use the screw driver and then the last parts had to be done by hand. Overall, this table is sturdy and effortless to assemble! I highly recommend it to anyone who ones to fill up a small space for the hallway! Great deal to by the way since marked way less than the original price!! For sure, its a win!