?Terrible product and seller does not respond. It took awhile to arrive (10 days). So many things are wrong with this item. The rattan is warped and bad quality, the hardware was missing to assemble appropriately, the stain is uneven and dripping in certain places. Also, it’s pine and the knots look terrible and they are chipping off. Trying to return this item is a NIGHTMARE. I’m responsible for the return shipping. Not to mention, the package is huge and I live on the 3rd floor of a condo. Please don’t buy this item!
Complete Garbage
?Terrible product and seller does not respond. It took awhile to arrive (10 days). So many things are wrong with this item. The rattan is warped and bad quality, the hardware was missing to assemble appropriately, the stain is uneven and dripping in certain places. Also, it’s pine and the knots look terrible and they are chipping off. Trying to return this item is a NIGHTMARE. I’m responsible for the return shipping. Not to mention, the package is huge and I live on the 3rd floor of a condo. Please don’t buy this item!