My 12 and 9 year olds read the instructions and figured out to assemble the bed; it was that easy. I just functioned as the hired labor. Overall, it took us about an hour to put the bed together. The bed itself is rock solid and very sturdy. My daughters only complaint was the height of the bed. They wish there was more space between the bottom and top bunks. Based on this, I recommend using a thinner mattress on the bottom bunk.
Easy to Assemble and Very Durable
My 12 and 9 year olds read the instructions and figured out to assemble the bed; it was that easy. I just functioned as the hired labor. Overall, it took us about an hour to put the bed together. The bed itself is rock solid and very sturdy. My daughters only complaint was the height of the bed. They wish there was more space between the bottom and top bunks. Based on this, I recommend using a thinner mattress on the bottom bunk.