This desk works great for what I had planned. It is slightly bigger then what I had expected from front to back, but it still worked out very well. It is pretty sturdy. The screws that go for the 3 plastic pieces under the desk they did not screw in tight and at the bottom of the desk on the right side, the 2 screws that go into the front leg also did not screw in tight, but I think I may have a solution for that. Not worth returning for this small matter that can be worked around.
Home Office organizing
This desk works great for what I had planned. It is slightly bigger then what I had expected from front to back, but it still worked out very well. It is pretty sturdy. The screws that go for the 3 plastic pieces under the desk they did not screw in tight and at the bottom of the desk on the right side, the 2 screws that go into the front leg also did not screw in tight, but I think I may have a solution for that. Not worth returning for this small matter that can be worked around.