It turn out that you have to assemble every little piece together to put the bed together. We came across two problem one you need hand held screw driver in order to put it together because the L shape device was not helpful at all. So we had to go hardware store to get what we need to assemble it. Second problem we came across was fact that when we went to stack it the holes for the dowls were in the wrong place on one side of the bed frame so now we have to find a different alternative to stabilize the beds so that are secure for stacking.
Good Frame
It turn out that you have to assemble every little piece together to put the bed together. We came across two problem one you need hand held screw driver in order to put it together because the L shape device was not helpful at all. So we had to go hardware store to get what we need to assemble it. Second problem we came across was fact that when we went to stack it the holes for the dowls were in the wrong place on one side of the bed frame so now we have to find a different alternative to stabilize the beds so that are secure for stacking.