I like the look of the chairs, they are a good value and easy to assemble. However, the screws that hold the seat to the base come unscrewed and fall out CONSTANTLY. We basically have to check every time before we sit down if they are screwed in or not. We ordered two sets of four, one set was a much better quality than the other (the wood legs). Everything came in good condition/nothing broken or missing. And so far other than the screws not staying in, the chairs they have held up just fine.
The screws fall out constantly.
I like the look of the chairs, they are a good value and easy to assemble. However, the screws that hold the seat to the base come unscrewed and fall out CONSTANTLY. We basically have to check every time before we sit down if they are screwed in or not. We ordered two sets of four, one set was a much better quality than the other (the wood legs). Everything came in good condition/nothing broken or missing. And so far other than the screws not staying in, the chairs they have held up just fine.