This chair is a lot nicer than I expected. It's sturdy, the foam is dense and not overly squishy, so it seems like it will hold it's shape for a long time. I wouldn't call it hard, but it definitely isn't overstuffed. It wasn't hard to assemble, but I did take off two stars for that category because two of the screws didn't fit right, my husband had to use a drill and different screws for those two places. I could have returned it, but I like it enough that I don't really care about the screws. It's comfortable and supportive enough to sit in all day while I'm working from home. Much better for my back than the couch is!
Well worth the price! I love it!
This chair is a lot nicer than I expected. It's sturdy, the foam is dense and not overly squishy, so it seems like it will hold it's shape for a long time. I wouldn't call it hard, but it definitely isn't overstuffed. It wasn't hard to assemble, but I did take off two stars for that category because two of the screws didn't fit right, my husband had to use a drill and different screws for those two places. I could have returned it, but I like it enough that I don't really care about the screws. It's comfortable and supportive enough to sit in all day while I'm working from home. Much better for my back than the couch is!