This is a very nice looking and sturdy standing mirror. The adapter plug is large so if you hang the mirror on the wall the adapter plug can not be hidden behind the mirror. I took a star off because the touch button stays lit and glows red even when the mirror is off. The light brightness is saved and will return to the same brightness when turned off and on. The light color is not saved so you must cycle through each time. Over all a very nice mirror and stands well and is adjustable.
Love the Look
This is a very nice looking and sturdy standing mirror. The adapter plug is large so if you hang the mirror on the wall the adapter plug can not be hidden behind the mirror. I took a star off because the touch button stays lit and glows red even when the mirror is off. The light brightness is saved and will return to the same brightness when turned off and on. The light color is not saved so you must cycle through each time. Over all a very nice mirror and stands well and is adjustable.