it was easy to assemble and seems to be relatively sturdy
So far Im pleasantly surprised! I was a little hesitant because of the price and some of the other reviews. However, it was easy to assemble and seems to be relatively sturdy. Im probably going to buy a support post for the middle portion, because the legs are literally attached to the arms of the couch and not the actual couch. This wasnt the best idea on their part. But the couch is comfy after a little breaking in. I got the suede one and it seems the quality of the surpasses the p white and . The back cushions are comfy and removable if someone would like to sleep on it. I am a short person so the chaise works for me, however, if you are tall I wouldnt invest in this couch. It is low to the ground and on the smaller side. It took me about 15 minutes to assemble. It fits in my small space nicely. I will update my review with more time to see how it holds up.
it was easy to assemble and seems to be relatively sturdy
So far Im pleasantly surprised! I was a little hesitant because of the price and some of the other reviews. However, it was easy to assemble and seems to be relatively sturdy. Im probably going to buy a support post for the middle portion, because the legs are literally attached to the arms of the couch and not the actual couch. This wasnt the best idea on their part. But the couch is comfy after a little breaking in. I got the suede one and it seems the quality of the surpasses the p white and . The back cushions are comfy and removable if someone would like to sleep on it. I am a short person so the chaise works for me, however, if you are tall I wouldnt invest in this couch. It is low to the ground and on the smaller side. It took me about 15 minutes to assemble. It fits in my small space nicely. I will update my review with more time to see how it holds up.