I purchases the 3piece product from my grandson. He's 9 years old and red is his favorite color. Needless to say, this is the first time that hehad the chance to use it because he's going away for the summer and so far so good. It holds up to his( my grandson) roughness and he loves it a lot. Thank you. I will be purchasing more from this company because my other grandson's favorite color is blue.
Bought for grandson
I purchases the 3piece product from my grandson. He's 9 years old and red is his favorite color. Needless to say, this is the first time that hehad the chance to use it because he's going away for the summer and so far so good. It holds up to his( my grandson) roughness and he loves it a lot. Thank you. I will be purchasing more from this company because my other grandson's favorite color is blue.