Ordered this for a 13 year old. It came neatly packed. All pre/drilled areas lined up with all the parts they were supposed to. It took under an hour to assemble. The finished product is very nice. The bed is sturdy, no shaking, no moving. We liked that the slates had velcro on them, and velcroed to the frame, they stay in place! This was a nicely made, easy to assemble and good looking bed. We are pleased with this purchase
Nice, sturdy twin sized bed/ easy to assemble
Ordered this for a 13 year old. It came neatly packed. All pre/drilled areas lined up with all the parts they were supposed to. It took under an hour to assemble. The finished product is very nice. The bed is sturdy, no shaking, no moving. We liked that the slates had velcro on them, and velcroed to the frame, they stay in place! This was a nicely made, easy to assemble and good looking bed. We are pleased with this purchase