The box had been walked all over but, the product was not damaged.
We used the frame/head board to go around our 0 gravity bed. Really nice wood, easy to assemble (we didnt use the steel parts or slats) but, I liked how Velcro is applied on inner frame and the boards for stability. Not cheap either as the middle bar/3 legs are sleel so it wont bend or break.
Definitely worth the money and recommended if you want a classy, sturdy frame.
Definitely sturdy, classy and easy to assemble
The box had been walked all over but, the product was not damaged. We used the frame/head board to go around our 0 gravity bed. Really nice wood, easy to assemble (we didnt use the steel parts or slats) but, I liked how Velcro is applied on inner frame and the boards for stability. Not cheap either as the middle bar/3 legs are sleel so it wont bend or break. Definitely worth the money and recommended if you want a classy, sturdy frame.