We are pretty happy with this purchase. So far it looks good and is sturdy and fairly comfortable. I was a little confused when we received only part of our order in two boxes but the third was sent within a couple days after so maybe it just missed the first truck. It was pretty easy to put together, just tedious and somewhat time consuming. Took a few hours for the whole thing because theres so many screws and some are a bit awkward to do. I did have one screw that didnt tighten all the way but it was still connecting the pieces and didnt seem unstable so Im not worried about it. For the price its a bargain if it lasts a few years. Only time will tell but we would buy this again.
Decent furniture for the price.
We are pretty happy with this purchase. So far it looks good and is sturdy and fairly comfortable. I was a little confused when we received only part of our order in two boxes but the third was sent within a couple days after so maybe it just missed the first truck. It was pretty easy to put together, just tedious and somewhat time consuming. Took a few hours for the whole thing because theres so many screws and some are a bit awkward to do. I did have one screw that didnt tighten all the way but it was still connecting the pieces and didnt seem unstable so Im not worried about it. For the price its a bargain if it lasts a few years. Only time will tell but we would buy this again.