First off it arrived two days early, which is pretty great in my opinion. Super easy to put together, I did it by myself in a little over an hour (not sure how some people are taking 3 hours to do it, I dont think I could have taken that long if I tried). Very sturdy, feels much higher quality that the price suggests. There were a couple nicks from damaged packaging, but nothing too concerning. The only downside is that its very heavy and carrying the box to my third floor apartment was a pain. My TV is a 60 and Id say it looks pretty great on the 70 version of this.
Heavy, sturdy, great.
First off it arrived two days early, which is pretty great in my opinion. Super easy to put together, I did it by myself in a little over an hour (not sure how some people are taking 3 hours to do it, I dont think I could have taken that long if I tried). Very sturdy, feels much higher quality that the price suggests. There were a couple nicks from damaged packaging, but nothing too concerning. The only downside is that its very heavy and carrying the box to my third floor apartment was a pain. My TV is a 60 and Id say it looks pretty great on the 70 version of this.