Easy enough to assemble, it took two of us a few hours. It's very sturdy once assembled. Two of my kids have been sleeping on it together and it holds up perfectly well. It doesn't shake or sway while they climb, I've even climbed up with no wobbles!
I really like the metal bars that hold up the mattress. They are much better than the wooden slats you usually get with cheaper models.
Personally, I think the price was a little high, but that's probably just because I had my eye on a similar one that cost less and my hubby bought this one instead. Overall though, I'm not disappointed. The bed is definitely worth the extra cost!
Super sturdy!
Easy enough to assemble, it took two of us a few hours. It's very sturdy once assembled. Two of my kids have been sleeping on it together and it holds up perfectly well. It doesn't shake or sway while they climb, I've even climbed up with no wobbles! I really like the metal bars that hold up the mattress. They are much better than the wooden slats you usually get with cheaper models. Personally, I think the price was a little high, but that's probably just because I had my eye on a similar one that cost less and my hubby bought this one instead. Overall though, I'm not disappointed. The bed is definitely worth the extra cost!