This is a solid choice for a low-cost bed frame. The assembly was very quick and easy. Important note: It is quite low to the ground - even lower than I thought it was. This actually works well for me as it makes it easier for my 100+ pound pup to get into/out of the bed. But it could be difficult for older folks, and Im a bit concerned that our older guests may have trouble getting out of it in the morning.
Great option for the price
This is a solid choice for a low-cost bed frame. The assembly was very quick and easy. Important note: It is quite low to the ground - even lower than I thought it was. This actually works well for me as it makes it easier for my 100+ pound pup to get into/out of the bed. But it could be difficult for older folks, and Im a bit concerned that our older guests may have trouble getting out of it in the morning.