I was surprised at what a compact box the loveseat came in. It was easy to assemble, however an additional person to help hold the sides was needed. Each piece slides into the main seat area. This is the perfect size for my small work office. It is comfortable yet firm. It appears to be quite sturdy and others in the office complimented the light beige fabric color. It is a small love seat and not sure it would be good for cuddling up in. Overall I am pleased.
Petite and perfect
I was surprised at what a compact box the loveseat came in. It was easy to assemble, however an additional person to help hold the sides was needed. Each piece slides into the main seat area. This is the perfect size for my small work office. It is comfortable yet firm. It appears to be quite sturdy and others in the office complimented the light beige fabric color. It is a small love seat and not sure it would be good for cuddling up in. Overall I am pleased.