It looks like a much more expensive bed! I have seen other reviewers complain about quality control, but I had no problems. I think they have made improvements. All the parts were there, and all the holes matched. The instructions and illustrations were very clear, with specific warnings in ceratin areas to avoid confusion. Definitely read the whole thing before starting to assemble. Assembly of the took the longest. The screws that attach the wheels are very tiny, and it is hard to reach around the wheels to get at them. If you have access to a 7 or 8 year/old, with smaller hands, it would be good to hire them. Installation hint: If you rest the drawer front on the smaller styrofoam pieces that come with the packaging, its easy to line the front up with the drawer frames for easy attaching.
Very good value for the money
It looks like a much more expensive bed! I have seen other reviewers complain about quality control, but I had no problems. I think they have made improvements. All the parts were there, and all the holes matched. The instructions and illustrations were very clear, with specific warnings in ceratin areas to avoid confusion. Definitely read the whole thing before starting to assemble. Assembly of the took the longest. The screws that attach the wheels are very tiny, and it is hard to reach around the wheels to get at them. If you have access to a 7 or 8 year/old, with smaller hands, it would be good to hire them. Installation hint: If you rest the drawer front on the smaller styrofoam pieces that come with the packaging, its easy to line the front up with the drawer frames for easy attaching.