When I first opened the box it was a little intimidating to see all the parts. But once I looked over the instructions and followed them; the assembly was not difficult. It took about an hour to assemble the table with the help of my 14 year old son <3. The table is about 90lbs so I liked the weight of it. Its pretty sturdy however I would not let a person sit on it (which is why I rated 4 stars). This is table is exactly what I wanted and it looks great!
Nice looking and not to difficult to assemble.
When I first opened the box it was a little intimidating to see all the parts. But once I looked over the instructions and followed them; the assembly was not difficult. It took about an hour to assemble the table with the help of my 14 year old son <3. The table is about 90lbs so I liked the weight of it. Its pretty sturdy however I would not let a person sit on it (which is why I rated 4 stars). This is table is exactly what I wanted and it looks great!