We couldn't be more pleased! Bought this for my almost 11 year old daughter who decided she was ready to go into a bigger bed.
Assembly - It was pretty easy to assemble. Certainly easier than some metal framed items. We struggled a little with the part that goes under the mattress. Just a tip, start in the middle. You need someone on each side and pop them in until you get to the end. Everything else goes together quickly. Took us less than 2 hours.
Sturdiness - Kids are NEVER still. Mine isn't allowed to jump on beds. But trust me she still bounces on them. This thing doesn't even blink at her. Her father has flopped on it not thinking... He's over 6ft and over 250lbs. Still not a thing.
Functionality - the under bed rolls out easily. Doesn't ever get caught on our thick carpet. It's comfortable to lay on.
Overall - This is perfect. It fits exactly what my daughter needed. We added a memory foam mattress and I know she'll be able to keep this for years to come. It'll be great for her frequent sleepovers and will grow with her into her teen years.
11 stars from 11 yr old
We couldn't be more pleased! Bought this for my almost 11 year old daughter who decided she was ready to go into a bigger bed. Assembly - It was pretty easy to assemble. Certainly easier than some metal framed items. We struggled a little with the part that goes under the mattress. Just a tip, start in the middle. You need someone on each side and pop them in until you get to the end. Everything else goes together quickly. Took us less than 2 hours. Sturdiness - Kids are NEVER still. Mine isn't allowed to jump on beds. But trust me she still bounces on them. This thing doesn't even blink at her. Her father has flopped on it not thinking... He's over 6ft and over 250lbs. Still not a thing. Functionality - the under bed rolls out easily. Doesn't ever get caught on our thick carpet. It's comfortable to lay on. Overall - This is perfect. It fits exactly what my daughter needed. We added a memory foam mattress and I know she'll be able to keep this for years to come. It'll be great for her frequent sleepovers and will grow with her into her teen years.