We use this bed for my toddler and I love the look if it. However during assembly we ran into problems early on with screws breaking in the holes because the holes were not drilled through. The bed came with instruction from the manufacturer to contact them if problems arise (does it signify that the materials are poor quality?), and they did send us a replacement part after a week. However even this new part had the same exact problem ( holes too small for the screws). My husband had to buy smaller and sturdier screws from home depot.
We still love the bed but wish that the manufacturer would check their parts for quality...
Cute bed but problems during assembly
We use this bed for my toddler and I love the look if it. However during assembly we ran into problems early on with screws breaking in the holes because the holes were not drilled through. The bed came with instruction from the manufacturer to contact them if problems arise (does it signify that the materials are poor quality?), and they did send us a replacement part after a week. However even this new part had the same exact problem ( holes too small for the screws). My husband had to buy smaller and sturdier screws from home depot. We still love the bed but wish that the manufacturer would check their parts for quality...